One of our most notable programs to date is the Disability Inclusion Round of 24-26 June 2022. Multiple football clubs came together to promote disability inclusion in sport- an incredible display of solidarity for fellow players.
Pictured: Victoria Park Soccer Club DIR 2022
Over the past few years, the colour purple has been associated with disability, symbolising a new positive narrative about the contribution of people with a disability in the workforce and the wider community. Clubs were given packages such as purple bibs and stickers to hand around the team as well as posters to stick around their clubrooms to not only celebrate the round but also spread awareness about disability inclusion.
Pictured: Equal Footingball DIR 2022
Support from our community is imperative to enable us to advocate and realise the opportunities central to the disability community. We will continue to do everything in our power to work towards our common goal. We aim to increase the number of clubs participating in disability inclusion rounds in the years to come. If you wish to get your club involved in future disability rounds, follow our socials to stay up to date with our latest events and programs.
Pictured: Support crew celebrating DIR2022 from Subiaco